Monday, April 6, 2020
Dear SPSI Community,
We find ourselves in challenging times. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed all of our lives in many significant ways. As an institute, we have had to change the way we hold all classes and meetings. We are holding all meetings virtually, so that we can protect our members. Classes, Faculty meetings, committee meetings, public events—these are all being done using virtual technology. Regrettably, we have had to postpone important social and celebratory gatherings until we can be sure everyone can attend safely.
Our practices have also changed deeply. We are “seeing” our patients via alternate means. Instead of meeting with our patients and clients in our offices, we work virtually. We have had to adapt quickly because the virus has spread quickly. We have had to be creative, patient, and flexible.
We are a strong group and we support each other, finding solutions and sharing them with one another, and coming together in ways that we didn’t expect. We are succeeding in offering each other and our community support and nurturance.
There will be frustrations and unknowns along the way, but we are together in spirit, and we will get through this. We are finding courage within at every obstacle, and creativity in surmounting problems. At times like this, the words of Thomas Paine come to mind:
“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”
We believe in ourselves, our SPSI community and our wider community. We are in a developing situation, and with patience, thoughtful consideration and deep regard for one another, we will see our way forward.
With our best wishes,
Sheri A. Butler, Director
Rebecca Meredith, Board President