Adult Psychoanalytic Training Program Graduation Requirements

  • SPSI sealCompletion of the didactic curriculum.
  • All writing responsibilities completed, including any class assignments or make-up work.
  • A minimum six-month overlap of all three components of training: your personal analysis, psychoanalysis under consultation, and didactic seminars.
  • Three credited cases, with all write-ups completed. Your cases must include diversity with respect to gender identity.
  • A minimum of 200 hours of consultation, across three cases, from at least three different Consultants.
  • Two cases must show advanced middle phase work in the view of you, your Consultants, and the Progression Committee.
  • Presentation of an ongoing psychoanalytic case to a continuous case conference for the entirety of one term.
  • All financial obligations to SPSI met
Details of all requirements may be found in the Candidate Handbook.  Graduation requires the demonstration of competence in psychoanalytic skills, knowledge, and attitude. Your advisor, the Progression Committee, and the faculty will assist you in reaching these goals.