Child Psychoanalytic Training Program Graduation Requirements

SPSI sealThe decision to graduate a Candidate from the Child Psychoanalytic Training Program is based upon:

  • Successful completion of didactic coursework in child development and psychopathology, theory and process of child psychoanalysis, as required by APsA.
  • Demonstration of clinical competence in conducting child and adolescent psychoanalyses
  • The ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing about his/her psychoanalytic work.
  • Mastery of psychoanalytic theories of development, psychopathology, and clinical process.

One Candidates may require much more intensive supervision and/or a greater number of training cases than other Associates.

Training Case Requirements

A Candidate must work with a minimum of three cases to graduate, and:

  • Both genders must be represented in the mix of cases
  • One case must be an adolescent
  • One case must be a latency-aged child
  • The other case is preferably a prelatency child, but in some circumstances a second latency aged child or another adolescent is acceptable
  • All cases must be credited. For a case to be credited the Candidate must have established an analytic process within the case and have a minimum of 50 hours with a consulting child analyst.
  • One case must progress to a full and natural psychoanalytic termination. (We recommend that this case be a latency aged or adolescent child to conform with the certification requirements of the American Psychoanalytic Association, if the candidate is interested in pursuing certification.)

Didactic Classes and Case Conference Requirements

  • Completion of the four-year sequential didactic classes and clinical case conferences in good standing