SPSI and Member News

Frontiers in PSA 2024-25
Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute white logo on black background
Yifat Eitan-Persico, PhD
Coming September 21:
“Oedipal Experiences in Same-Sex Families”

Join Dr. Yifat Eitan-Persico as she shares enlightening theoretical and clinical insights from her groundbreaking new book.

Join Dr. Yifat Eitan-Persico as she shares enlightening theoretical and clinical insights from her groundbreaking new book.

Frontiers in PSA 2024-25
Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute white logo on black background
Lisa Cataldo, MDiv, PhD
Coming February 22:
“Religion in the Room”

Can we understand and engage patients’ spiritual material in treatment in a way that is neither reductionistic nor uncritically accepting?

Can we understand and engage patients’ spiritual material in treatment in a way that is neither reductionistic nor uncritically accepting?

Frontiers in PSA 2024-25
Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute white logo on black background
Daniel José Gaztambide, PsyD
Coming April 5:
“The Questions of Contemporary Psychoanalysis”

A different path toward psychoanalytic theory and practice—inviting us to imagine a psychoanalysis for today, a psychoanalysis for all.

A different path toward psychoanalytic theory and practice—inviting us to imagine a psychoanalysis for today, a psychoanalysis for all.

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About SPSI

SPSI logoThe Seattle Psychoanalytic Training Center was established in 1946. In 1964, the Seattle Psychoanalytic Society & Institute (SPSI) gained independent status with the Institute of the American Psychoanalytic Association. SPSI is one of 34 educational institutes approved by the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA).

Standards established by APsaA direct the policies of SPSI as they relate to eligibility for training, the minimum requirements for graduation, and prerequisites for certification in psychoanalysis.

These principles and standards ensure consistency as well as high quality of psychoanalytic education among all constituent Institutes. They are continually revised and updated and provide a uniform baseline for psychoanalytic education.

SPSI is a not-for-profit corporation governed by a Board of Directors. We are a democratic, inclusive, learning community that educates members on psychoanalysis, nourishes psychoanalytic psychotherapists enabling them to flourish in their vocation, and collaborates in the community and across disciplines, for the wellbeing of members and society. All matters pertaining to psychoanalytic training are the responsibility of the Faculty.

Should you have concerns or complaints about any of our members, please contact one of our designated ombuds.

The Edith Buxbaum Library

The Edith Buxbaum Library is the Northwest’s largest and most comprehensive psychoanalytic library, including the Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing CD-ROM archive.

The catalog has been posted on Librarika so that patrons can search for a particular title and author in our collection. (Unfortunately, digital versions of our titles are not available.)

Click here to browse the collection on Librarika.

The online catalog may vary slightly from the physical collection; please contact the office if you discover a discrepancy so it can be corrected.