These are assigned readings from SPSI classes having to do with a variety of diverse topics, such as aging, class, culture, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, immigration, race, religion, and sexual-orientation.
- Adams, C. L., Jr.; Kimmel, D. C. (1997). Exploring the lives of older African American gay men. In Ethnic and cultural diversity among lesbians and gay men (pp.132-151 )
- Adelman, M. (1986). Long time passing: Lives of older lesbians
- Adelman, M. (1990). Stigma, gay lifestyles, and adjustment to aging: A study of later-life gay men and lesbians. In Journal of Homosexuality, 20(3-4), pp. 11871
- Adelman, M. (2000). Midlife lesbian relationships: Friends, lovers, children, and parents
- Adelman, M.; Gurevitch, J.; de Vries, B.; Blando, J. A. (2006). Openhouse: Community building and research in the LGBT aging population. In Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender aging: Research and clinical perspectives (pp.247-264 )
- Allen, C. (1961). The aging homosexual. In The third sex
- Almvig, C. (1982). The invisible minority: Aging and lesbians
- Anderson, G. (1996). The older gay man. In HIV/AIDS and the older adult (pp.63-79 )
- Anetzberger, G. J., Ishler, K. J.; Mostade, J. (2004). Gray and gay: A community dialogue on the issues and concerns of older gays and lesbians. In Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services: Issues in Practice, Policy, & Research, 17, pp. 23-45
- Anonymous (2004). Aging: Its not what it used to be. In Gay and Lesbian Times, 840, pp. 42-45
- Anonymous (2004). Comprehensive study on aging lesbians. In Gay and Lesbian Times, 886, pp. 22
- Anonymous (2004). Report: Gay seniors struggle financially without marriage. In Washington Blade, 35, pp. 12
- Anonymous (2005). The needs and concerns of older lesbians and gay men. In Nursing Standard, 42, pp. 18
- Anonymous (2006, June 8). Assembly votes to provide services for GLBT elders. In Gay & Lesbian Times, pp. 24
- Anonymous (2006). Aging gay population fuels retirement community market. In Gay and Lesbian Times, 965, pp. 32-33
- Anonymous (2006). Bisexual women and aging. In She, 8, pp. 18
- Anonymous (2006). First national study of LGBT boomers released. In San Francisco Bay Times (pp.11)
- Anonymous (2007). Need for cohousing growing as GLBT senior population grows. In Gay and Lesbian Times, 1020, pp. 22-23
- Anthony, M. (2006). My big gay intergenerational romance. In Frontiers, 24, pp. 47-48
- Baker, J. C.; Herdt, G.; de Vries, B. (2006). Social support in the lives of lesbian and gay men in midlife and later. In Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 3, pp. 43123
- Baldman, A. (2006). Health survey focuses on needs of older lesbians. In Gay and Lesbian Times, 946, pp. 16-18
- Balsam, K. F.; D’Augelli, A. R. (2006). The victimization of older LGBT adults: Patterns, impact, and implications for intervention. In Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender aging: Research and clinical perspectives (pp.110-130 )
- Barker, J. C. (2004). Lesbian aging: An agenda for social research. In Gay and lesbian aging: Research and future direction
- Barnes, S. A. (2005). My life in a lesbian community: The joys and the pain. In Lesbian Communities: Festivals, RV’s, and the Internet
- Baron, A.; Cramer, D. W. (2000). Potential counseling concerns of aging lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients. In Handbook of counseling and psychotherapy with lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients (pp.207-223 )
- Beeler, J. A., Rawls, T. W., Herdt, G., & Cohler, B. J. (1999). The needs of older lesbians and gay men in Chicago. In Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 9(1), pp. 31-50
- Beliaev, A. B. (2006). Aesthetics of temporality: Reflections on sexuality and aging in Toronto
- Bennet, K. C. (1980). Social and psychological functioning of the ageing male homosexual. In British Journal of Psychiatry, 137, pp. 361-370
- Berger, R. (1995). Gay and gray: The older homosexual man
- Berger, R. M. (1980). Psychological adaptation of the older homosexual male. In Journal of Homosexuality, 5(3), pp. 161-174
- Berger, R. M. (1982). The unseen minority: Older gays and lesbians. In Social Work, 29, pp. 236-242
- Berger, R. M. (1984). Realities of gay and lesbian aging. In Social Work, 29, pp. 57-62
- Berger, R. M. (1996). Gay and gray: The older homosexual man
- Berger, R. M.; Kelly, J. J. (1996). Gay men and lesbians grown older. In Textbook of homosexuality and mental health (pp.305-316 )
- Berger, R. M.; Kelly, J. J. (2001). The older gay man. In Positively gay: New approaches to gay and lesbian life
- Berger, R. M.; Kelly, J. J. (2001). What are older gay men like? An impossible question?. In Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 13(4), pp. 55-65
- Bergling, T. (2004). Reeling in the years: Gay men’s perspectives on age and ageism
- Berliner, P. (2005). I shall wear purple: Lesbians’ experiences of aging. In PsycCRITIQUES, 50
- Blando, J. A. (2001). Twice hidden: Older gay and lesbian couples, friends, and intimacy. In Generations, 25(2), pp. 87-89
- Blank, T. O. (2006). Gay and lesbian aging: Research and future directions. In Educational Gerontology, 32, pp. 241-243
- Blevins, D.; Papadatou, D (2006). The effects of culture in end-of-life situations. In Psychosocial issues near the end of life: A resource for professional care providers (pp.27-55 )
- Blevins, D.; Werth, J. L., Jr. (2006). End-of-life issues for LGBT older adults. In Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender aging: Research and clinical perspectives (pp.206-226 )
- Bond, L. A.; Cutler, S. J.; Grams, A. (1995). Promoting successful and productive aging
- Bouman, W. P. (2005). Review of reeling in the years- gay men’s perspectives on age and ageism . In International Psychogeriatrics, 17, pp. 144-145
- Boxer, A. M. (1997). Gay, lesbian, and bisexual aging into the twenty-first century: An overview and introduction. In Journal of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Identity, 2, pp. 187-197
- Bradford, J.; Ryan, C. (1991). Who we are: Health concerns of middle-aged lesbians. In Lesbians at midlife: The creative transition (pp.147-163 )
- Brennan-Ing, M.; Seidel, L.; Larson, B.; Karpiak, S. E. (2014). Social care networks and older LGBT adults: challenges for the future. In Journal of Homosexuality, 61(1), pp. 21-52
- Brotman, S.; Ryan, B.; Cormier, R. (2003). The health and social service needs of gay and lesbian elders and their families in Canada. In Gerontologist, 43, pp. 192-202
- Brown, L. B.; Alley, G. R.; Sarosy, S.; Quarto, G.; Cook, T. (2001). Gay men: Aging well!. In Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 13(4), pp. 41-54
- Brown, L. B.; Sarosy, S. G.; Cook, T. C.; Quarto, J. G. (1997). Gay men and aging
- Burbank, P.; Manning, C.; Burkholder, G. (2005). Health care needs and issues of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender older adults. In Gerontologist, 45, pp. 409-409
- Butler, S. (2002). Geriatric care management with sexual minorities. In Geriatric Care Management Journal, 12(3), pp. 2 though 3
- Butler, S. S. (2004). Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) Elders: The Challenges and Resilience of this Marginalized Group. In Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 9(4), pp. 25-44
- Butler, S. S. (2004). Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) elders: The challenges and resilience of this marginalized group. In Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 9, pp. 25-44
- Butler, S. S.; Hope, B. (1998). Health and well-being for late middle-aged and old lesbians in a rural area. In Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 9(4), pp. 27-46
- Butt, A. A.; Dascomb, K. K.; DeSalvo, K. B.; Bazzano, L.; Kissinger, P. J.; Szerlip, H. M. (2001). Human immunodeficiency virus infection in elderly patients. In Southern Medical Journal, 94, pp. 397-400
- Cahill, S. (2002). Long term care issues affecting gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender elders. In Geriatric Care Management Journal, 12(3), pp. 43198
- Cahill, S. (2007). The coming GLBT senior boom. In Gay and Lesbian Review Worldwide, 13, pp. 19-21
- Cahill, S.; South, K.; Spade, J. (2000). Outing age: Public policy issues affecting gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender elders
- Cantor, M. H.; Brennan, M.; Shippy, R. A. (2004). Caregiving among older lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Nyers
- Carrington, C. (2004). The changing of the guard: Lesbian and gay elders, identity, and social change. In Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 33, pp. 544-546
- Charbonneau, C.; Lander, P. (1991). Redefining sexuality: Women becoming lesbian in midlife. In Lesbians at midlife: The creative transition (pp.35-43 )
- Christian, D. V.; Keefe, D. A. (1997). Maturing gay men: A framework for social service assessment and intervention. In Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 6(1), pp. 47-70
- Christiansen, V.; Johnson, A. B. (1973). Sexual patterns in a group of older never-married women. In Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 6, pp. 80-89
- Ciompi, C. (2006). From the editor. In Genre Magazine, 159, pp. 6
- Claes, J. A.; Moore, W. (2000). Issues confronting lesbian and gay elders: The challenge for health and human services providers. In Journal of Health and Human Service Administration, 23, pp. 181-202
- Claes, J. A.; Moore, W. (2001). Caring for gay and lesbian elderly. In Age through ethnic lenses: Caring for the elderly in a multicultural society
- Clunis, D. M.; Frederiksen-Goldsen, K. I.; Freeman, P. A. (2005). Lives of lesbian elders: Looking back, looking forward
- Cohen, H. L.; Murray, Y. (2007). Older lesbian and gay caregivers: Caring for families of choice and caring for families of origin. In Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 14(1-2), pp. 275-298
- Cohler, B. J. (2004). Saturday night at the tubs: Age cohort and social life at the urban gay bath. In Gay and lesbian aging: Research and future directions
- Cohler, B. J. (2006). Life-course social science perspectives on the GLBT family. In An introduction to GLBT family studies (pp.23-49 )
- Cohler, B. J. (2007). Writing desire: Sixty years of gay autobiography. In Wisconsin studies in autobiography
- Cohler, B. J.; Galatzer-Levy, R. M. (2000). The course of gay and lesbian lives: Social and psychoanalytic perspectives
- Cohler, B. J.; Hammack, P. L. (2006). Making a gay identity: Life story and the construction of a coherent self. In Identity and story: Creating self in narrative (pp.151-172 )
- Cohler, B. J.; Hostetler, A. J. (2002). Aging, intimate relationships, and life story among gay men. In Challenges of the third age: Meaning and purpose in later life (pp.137-160 )
- Cohler, B. J.; Hostetler, A. J.; Boxer, A. M. (1998). Generativity, social context, and lived experience: Narratives of gay men in middle adulthood. In Generativity and adult development: How and why we care for the next generation (pp.265-309 )
- Cohn, M. (2004). Growing old doesn’t mean growing stale. In Philadelphia Gay News, 28, pp. 26
- Cole, E.; Rothblum, E. (1990). Commentary on “sexuality and the midlife woman”. In Psychology of Women Quarterly, 14, pp. 509-512
- Cole, E.; Rothblum, E. (1991). Lesbian sex after menopause: As good or better than ever. In Lesbians at midlife: The creative transition (pp.184-193 )
- Comerford, S. A.; Henson-Stroud, M. M.; Sionainn, C.; Wheeler, C. (2004). Cronesongs: Voices of lesbian elders on aging in a rural environment. In Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, 19, pp. 418-436
- Connelly, D. (2006). The elder, the tiger, and the youth: Acknowledging the sexual aspects of gay youth-elder relations. In White Crane, 69, pp. 19-20
- Connolly, L. (1996). Long-term care and hospice: The special needs of older gay men and lesbians. In Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 5(1), pp. 77-92
- Cook-Daniels, L. (1997). Lesbian, gay male, bisexual and transgendered elders: Elder abuse and neglected issues. In Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 9(2), pp. 35-49
- Cook-Daniels, L. (2002). Transgender elders and SOFFAs: A primer
- Cook-Daniels, L. (2004). Why gay marriage is an issue for abuse professionals. In Victimization of the Elderly and Disabled , 7(2), pp. 20 & 27
- Cook-Daniels, L. (2006). Trans Aging. In Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender aging: Research and clinical perspectives (pp.21-35 )
- Cope, J. (2002). Age concern: Older lesbian & gay men’s initiative. In Nurse 2 Nurse, 2(8), pp. 43321
- Copper, B. (1980). On being an older lesbian. In Generations, 4(4), pp. 39-40
- Copper, B. (1988). Over the hill: Reflections on ageism between women
- Cornett, C. W.; Hudson, R. A. (1987). Middle adulthood and the theories of Erikson, Gould, and Vaillant: Where does the gay man fit?. In Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 10(3- 4), pp. 61-73
- Croghan, C. F.; Moone, R. P.; Olson, A. M. (2014). Friends, family, and caregiving among midlife and older lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adults. In Journal of Homosexuality, 61(1), pp. 79- 102
- Cruikshank, M. (1991). Lavender and gray: A brief survey of lesbian and gay aging studies. In Journal of Homosexuality, 20(3/4), pp. 77-88
- Cruz, J. M. (2003). Sociological analysis of aging: The gay male perspective
- Crystal, S.; Akincigil, A.; Sambamoorthi, U.; Wenger, N.; Fleishman, J. A.; Zingmond, D. S.; Hays, R. D.; Bozzette, S. A.; Shapiro, M. F. (2003). The diverse older HIV-positive population: A national profile of economic circumstances, social support, and quality of life. In Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes: JAIDS, 33(2), pp. S76-83
- D’Augelli, A. R. (1994). Lesbian and gay male development: Steps toward an analysis of lesbians’ and gay men’s lives. In Lesbian and gay psychology: Theory, research, and clinical applications, 1, pp. 118-132
- D’Augelli, A. R.; Grossman, A. H. (2001). Disclosure of sexual orientation, victimization, and mental health among lesbian, gay, and bisexual older adults. In Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 16, pp. 1008-1027
- D’Augelli, A. R.; Grossman, A. H.; Hershberger, S. L.; O’Connell, T. S. (2001). Aspects of mental health among older lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults. In Aging & Mental Health, 5, pp. 149-158
- David, S. (2006). Bibliography of research and clinical perspectives on LGBT aging. In Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender aging: Research and clinical perspectives (pp.289-307 )
- David. S.; Cernin, P. A. (2008). Psychotherapy with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender older adults. In Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 20(1/2), pp. 31-49
- David. S.; Knight, B. G. (2008). Stress and coping among gay men: Age and ethnic differences. In Psychology & Aging, 23, pp. 62-69
- Davis, N. D.; Cole, E.; Rothblum, E. D. (1993). Faces of women and aging
- Davis, N.; Cole, E.; Rothblum, E. (1993). Faces of women and aging
- Dawson, K. (1982). Serving the older gay community. In SEICUS Report, 11(2), pp. 43226
- De Vries, B. (2006). Home at the end of the rainbow. In Generations, 29, pp. 64-69
- De Vries, B.; Blando, J. A. (2004). The study of gay and lesbian aging: Lessons for social gerontology. In Gay and lesbian aging: Research and future directions
- Deevey, S. (1990). Older lesbian women: An invisible minority. In Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 16(5), pp. 35-39
- Dening, T.; Barapatre, C. (2004). Mental health and the ageing population. In Journal of the British Menopause Society, 10(2), pp. 49-53
- Diamant, A. L.; Schuster, M. A.; Lever, J. (2000). Receipt of preventive health care services by lesbians. In American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 19(3), pp. 141-148
- Dibble, S. L., Roberts, S. A. (2003). Improving cancer screening among lesbians over 50: Results of a pilot study. In Oncology Nursing Forum, 30(4), pp. 71-79
- Donaghy, T. (2007). It’s astonishing to me that younger gay men ask me for advice. Astonishing because I didn’t think I’d live long enough to be asked. In Out , 15, pp. 42-45
- Donahue, P., McDonald, L. (2005). Gay and lesbian aging: Current perspectives and future directions for social work practice and research. In Families in Society, 86, pp. 359-366
- Donovan, T. (2001). Being transgender and older: A first person account. In Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services: Issues in Practice, Policy & Research, 13, pp. 19-22
- Dorfman, R.; Walters, K.; Burke, P.; Hardin, L.; et al. (1995). Old, sad and alone: The myth of the aging homosexual. In Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 24(1-2), pp. 29-44
- Douglas-Brown, L. (2007). We need gay grandparents. In Southern Voice (pp.18)
- Drescher, J. (2005). Review of affirmative practice: Understanding and working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons. In Psychiatric Services, 56, pp. 618-619
- Drumm, K. (2004). An examination of group work with old lesbians struggling with a lack of intimacy by using a record of service. In Group work and aging: Issues in practice, research, and education
- Dubois, M. (1999). Legal planning for gay, lesbian, and non-traditional elders. In Albany Law Review, 63(1), pp. 263-332
- Dubois, M. (2003). Elder law: Answers for gay and lesbian elders. In Maine Lawyers Review, 11(1), pp. 16-17
- Dubois, M. (2004). Elder law: Adding “Domestic Partner” in Maine’s Probate Code. In Maine Lawyers Review, 12(11) , pp. 21-23
- Dubois, M. R. (2006). Legal concerns of LGBT elders. In Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender aging: Research and clinical perspectives (pp.195-205 )
- Dunker, B. (1987). Aging lesbians: Observations and speculations. In Lesbian psychologies (pp.72-82 )
- Dworkin, S. H. (2006). The aging bisexual: The invisible of the invisible minority. In Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender aging: Research and clinical perspectives (pp.37-52 )
- Edelman, M. (2006). Stories from a gay elder. In White Crane, 69, pp. 35-36
- Ehrenberg, M. (1996). Aging and mental health: Issues in the gay and lesbian community. In Gay and lesbian mental health: A sourcebook for practitioners (pp.189-209)
- Ellis, A. (2001). Gay men at midlife : Age before beauty
- Emlet, C. A. (2006). “You’re awfully old to have this disease”: Experiences of stigma and ageism in adults 50 years and older living with HIV/AIDS. In The Gerontologist, 46, pp. 781-790
- Emlet, C. A. (2006). An examination of the social networks and social isolation in older and younger adults living with HIV/AIDS. In Health and Social Work, 31, pp. 299-308
- Erwin, T. M. (2006). A qualitative analysis of the lesbian’s connection’s discussion forum. In Journal of Counseling and Development, 84, pp. 95-107
- Fassinger, R. E. (1997). Issues in group work with older lesbians . In Group, 21, pp. 191-210
- Finnegan, D. G.; McNally, E. B. (2000). Making up for lost time: Chemically dependent lesbians in later midlife. In Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 11, pp. 105-118
- Fitzpatrick, T. R. (2000). Sexuality and aging: A timely addition to the gerontology curriculum. In Educational Gerontology, 26, pp. 427-446
- Fox, R. C. (2007). Gay grows up: An interpretive study on aging metaphors and queer identity. In Journal of Homosexuality, 52, pp. 33-61
- Francher, J. S.; Henkin, J. (1973). The menopausal queen: Adjustment to aging and the male homosexual. In American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 43, pp. 670-674
- Franks, J. (2004). Sunset pink village: A home for gay and lesbian elders. In Gerontologist, 44, pp. 856-857
- Fredriksen, K. I. (1999). 1999. In Social Work, 44, pp. 147-155
- Friend, R. A. (1980). Graying: Adjustment and the older gay male. In Alternative Lifestyles, 3, pp. 231-284
- Friend, R. A. (1987). The individual and social psychology of aging: Clinical implications for lesbians and gay men. In Journal of Homosexuality, 14(1-2), pp. 307-331
- Friend, R. A. (1989). Older lesbian and gay people: Responding to homophobia. In Marriage & Family Review, 14, pp. 241-263
- Friend, R. A. (1990). Older lesbian and gay people: A theory of successful aging. In Journal of Homosexuality, 20(3-4), pp. 99-118
- Frost, J. C. (1997). Group psychotherapy with the aging gay male: Treatment of choice. In Group, 21, pp. 267-285
- Fruhauf, C. A. (2006). Lives of lesbian elders: Looking back, looking forward. In Journal of Women and Aging, 18, pp. 93-95
- Fullmer, E. (2006). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender aging. In Sexual orientation and gender expression in social work practice: Working with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people (pp.284-303 )
- Gabbay, S. G.; Wahler, J. J. (2002). Lesbian aging: Review of a growing literature. In Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 14(3), pp. 43121
- Gardner, A. T.; de Vries, B.; Mockus, D. S. (2014). Aging out in the desert: disclosure, acceptance, and service use among midlife and older lesbians and gay men. In Journal of Homosexuality, 61(1), pp. 129-144
- Garnets, L. D.; Kimmel, D. C. (2003). Psychological perspectives on lesbian, gay, and bisexual experiences
- Garnets, L.; Peplau, L. A. (2006). Sexuality in the lives of aging lesbian and bisexual women. In Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender aging: Research and clinical perspectives (pp.70-90 )
- Garro, J. (2006). Embracing aging—literally. In Xtra!, 558, pp. 20
- Genevay, B. (1978). Age kills us softly when we deny our sexual identity. In Sexuality and Aging
- Genke, J. (2004). Resistance and resilience: The untold story of gay men aging with chronic illness. In Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services: Issues in Practice, Policy, & Research, 17, pp. 81-95
- Gershick, Z.Z. (1998). Gay old girls
- Goldberg, S.; Sickler J.; Dibble, S. L. (2005). Lesbians over sixty: The consistency of findings from twenty years of survey data. In Journal of Lesbian Studies, 9, pp. 195-213
- Goldberg. S. (1986). GLOE: A model social service program for older lesbians. In Longtime Passing: Lives of Older Lesbians (pp.236-246 )
- Goldfried, M. R. (2001). Integrating gay, lesbian, and bisexual issues into mainstream psychology. In American Psychologist, 56, pp. 977-988
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- Gray, H.; Dressel, P. (1985). Alternative interpretations of aging among gay males. In The Gerontologist, 25, pp. 83-87
- Greene, B. (2002). Older lesbians’ concerns and psychotherapy: Beyond a footnote to the footnote. In Psychotherapy and counseling with older women: Cross-cultural, family, and end-of-life issues (pp.161-174 )
- Grossman, A. H. (1995). At risk, infected, and invisible: Older gay men with HIV/AIDS. In Journal of Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 6, pp. 13-19
- Grossman, A. H. (2000). Homophobia and its effects on the inequitable provisions of health and leisure services for older gay men and lesbians. In JUST leisure: Equity, social exclusions and identity (pp.105-118 )
- Grossman, A. H. (2006). Physical and mental health of older lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults. In Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender aging: Research and clinical perspectives (pp.53-69 )
- Grossman, A. H., Hershberger, S. L., & O’ Connell, T. S. (2001). Aspects of mental health among older lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults. In Aging & Mental Health, 5, pp. 149-158
- Grossman, A. H.; D’Augelli, A. R.; Hershberger, S. L. (2000). Social support networks of lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults 60 years of age and older . In Journals of Gerontology: Series B: Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences, 55B, pp. P171-P179
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- Grube, M. A. (1991). Natives and settlers: An ethnographic note on early interaction of older homosexual men with younger gay liberationists. In Journal of Homosexuality, 20(3/4), pp. 119-136
- Gulliver, T. (2006). Age of seniority. In Xtra!, 557, pp. 17
- Gutiérrez, F. J. (1992). Eros, the aging years: Counseling older gay men. In Counseling gay men and lesbians: Journey to the end of the rainbow
- Gwenwald, M. (1985). The SAGE model for serving older lesbians and gay men. In With compassion toward some: Homosexuality and social work in America (pp.53-64 )
- Hader, M. (1968). Homosexuality as part of our aging process. In Psychiatric Quarterly, 40, pp. 515-524
- Haile, B. (1998). The forgotten tenth: AIDS in the older generation. In Research Initiative, Treatment Action: Rita, 4(3), pp. 15-16
- Hajek, C., & Giles, H. (2002). The old man out: An intergroup analysis of intergenerational communication among gay men. In Journal of Communication, 52, pp. 698-714
- Hall, R. L.; Fine. M. (2005). The stories we tell: The lives and friendship of two older black lesbians. In Psychology of Women Quarterly, 29, pp. 177-187
- Hamburger, L. J. (1997). The wisdom of non-hetrosexually based senior housing and related services. In Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 6(1), pp. 43428
- Harrison, J. (1999). A lavender pink grey power: Gay and lesbian gerontology in Australia. In Australasian Journal on Ageing, 18(1), pp. 245-250
- Harry, J. (1982). Decision making and age differences among gay male couples. In Journal of Homosexuality, 8(2), pp. 43364
- Harry, J.; DeVall, W. (1978). Age and sexual culture among homosexually oriented males. In Archives of Sexual Behavior, 7, pp. 199-209
- Hart, S.; Gordon, N.; Ackerson, L (2001). Patterns of cigarette smoking and alcohol use among lesbians and bisexual women enrolled in a large health maintenance organization. In American Journal of Public Health, 91, pp. 976-979
- Harwood, G. (1997). The oldest gay couple in America: A 70-year journey through same sex America
- Hash, K. (2006). Caregiving and post-caregiving experiences of midlife and older gay men and lesbians. In Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 47, pp. 121-138
- Hash, K. M. (2000). Preliminary study of caregiving and post-care-giving experiences of older gay men and lesbians. In Midlife and aging in gay America (pp.87-94)
- Hash, K. M., & Cramer, E. P. (2003). Empowering gay and lesbian caregivers and uncovering their unique experiences through the use of qualitative methods. In Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 15(1-2), pp. 47-63
- Hash, K. M.; Rogers, A. (2013). Clinical practice with older LGBT clients: Overcoming lifelong stigma through strength and resilience. In Clinical Social Work Journal, 41(3), pp. 249-257
- Hawton, K.; Gath, D.; Day, A. (1994). Sexual function in a community sample of middle-aged women with partners: Effects of age, marital, socioeconomic, psychaitric, gynecological, and menopausal factors. In Archives of Sexual Behavior, 23, pp. 375-395
- Hayden, G. (2003). Gray and gay: Helping elders stay out of the closet. In Long-Term Care Interface, 4(10), pp. 28-32
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