Starting Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

Integrated Child & Adult Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (ICAPP)
2021-22, 1st Block — Mondays, 8:00-9:15pm


In this first block, we will be focusing on techniques in psychoanalytic psychotherapy for the first four weeks and ethics in psychoanalytic psychotherapy during the last four.

September 13, 2021

[30 pages]

In the first week we will be exploring various parameters when establishing psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

Hall, J.S., (2014) Chapter 1, “Setting the Stage – Providing the Structure” in Deepening the Treatment, pp11-40

September 20, 2021

[27 pages]

Continuing with Hall, we will look at how adaptations to the theory often evolve over time. This provides us a chance to reflect on our own evolving clinical styles.

Hall, J.S. (2008). Relinquishing Orthodoxy: One Freudian Analyst’s Personal Journey. Psychoanal. Rev., 95(5):845-871.

September 27, 2021

[20 pages]

The intensity and depth of psychoanalytic work is reliant on establishing a “background of safety” but how do our biases impact our ability to provide this to our patients?

Sandler, J. (1960). The Background of Safety. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 41:352-356.

Leary, K. (2000). Racial Enactments in Dynamic Treatment. Psychoanal. Dial., 10(4):639-653.

October 4, 2021

[30 pages]

Meissner, W.W. (1996). Empathy in the Therapeutic Alliance. Psychoanal. Inq., 16(1):39-53.

Foster, R.P. (1993). The Social Politics of Psychoanalysis Commentary on Neil Altman’s: “Psychoanalysis and the Urban Poor”. Psychoanal. Dial., 3(1):69-83.