20 events found.
SPSI Scientific Planning
SPSI on Madison 4020 E Madison St, #230, Seattle, WAContinuous Case Conference (Child)
SPSI on Madison 4020 E Madison St, #230, Seattle, WACase Conference I
SPSI on Madison 4020 E Madison St, #230, Seattle, WACase Conference II
SPSI on Madison 4020 E Madison St, #230, Seattle, WACase Conference III
SPSI on Madison 4020 E Madison St, #230, Seattle, WADevelopment III: Adolescence
SPSI on Madison 4020 E Madison St, #230, Seattle, WALate Middle Phase and Termination
SPSI on Madison 4020 E Madison St, #230, Seattle, WAPsychopathology II: Borderline
SPSI on Madison 4020 E Madison St, #230, Seattle, WABecoming Analysts: Development of PSA Identity
SPSI on Madison 4020 E Madison St, #230, Seattle, WATwo-Year Certificate Program OPEN HOUSE — Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Theory, Process, and Social Applicability
SPSI on Madison 4020 E Madison St, #230, Seattle, WAFor decades, we have been holding this event to interest and inform possible applicants of the Two-Year Certificate Program, now named: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Theory, Process, and Social Applicability. We have …
Loss, Mourning, Termination
SPSI on Madison 4020 E Madison St, #230, Seattle, WAStudy of Consultation
SPSI on Madison 4020 E Madison St, #230, Seattle, WAThis event is open only to Training Analysts.
Study of Consultation
SPSI on Madison 4020 E Madison St, #230, Seattle, WAAdult Development
SPSI on Madison 4020 E Madison St, #230, Seattle, WA“Rivals and Keepers: Sibling Transference and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy” with Jim Basinski, MD (SPSI Scientific Session)
Online via ZoomDavid Hochbaum, "Sibling" (2005) The subject of siblings and transferences related to siblings has received little representation in psychoanalytic education and literature. Yet we frequently encounter its impact in our …