Candidate Symposium

SPSI on Madison 4020 E Madison St, #230, Seattle, WA

SPSI Goodbye Party

SPSI on Madison 4020 E Madison St, #230, Seattle, WA

31 years ago, SPSI found its home at 4020 East Madison Street. As we prepare to move to our new home in Eastlake, join us for a party to celebrate


2YCP Application Review

SPSI on Madison 4020 E Madison St, #230, Seattle, WA

Click here to visit the Dropbox folder that contains the 2YCP applications. If you are part of the group reviewing applications but are not on the access list to view

Ethics Committee

SPSI on Madison 4020 E Madison St, #230, Seattle, WA

SPSI Graduation Party

SPSI 1938 Fairview Ave E, Seattle, WA, United States

There will be an end-of-year gathering at SPSI on Sunday, June 2nd from 4-6pm. We will celebrate graduations and completion of didactic classes, and provide catered food, beverages, and red
