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Adult Psychoanalytic Training Program
1st Trimester
1st year
Process: Evaluation for PSA
Theory: Origins of PSA and Freud’s Legacy
3rd year
HD: 18 Months to 7 Years
Theory: British Object Relations
2nd Trimester
1st year
Process: Continuation of Opening Phase
Theory: Overview of Major PSA Theories
3rd year
HD: Latency
Theory: Self Psychology
3rd Trimester
1st year
Theory: Ethics
3rd year
Psychopathology III
Process: Advanced Perspectives on Engaging in PSA
1st Trimester
2nd year
HD: Infant Observation (3 trimesters)
Theory: Modern Structural Theory
4th year
HD: Adolescence
Theory: Intersubjective & Relational PSA Theories
2nd Trimester
2nd year
Process: Middle Phase
4th year
Theory: Gender & Sexuality
Theory: Dreams
Theory: Neuropsychoanalysis
3rd Trimester
2nd year
4th year
Process: Late Middle Phase and Termination
Elective: Applied PSA – Society & Culture
1st Trimester
1st year
Development Of Psychoanalytic Cases:Â Evaluation for Psychoanalysis and the Opening Phase
The Origins of Psychoanalysis and Freud’s Legacy
3rd year
Human Development: Child Development I (Birth to Age 5)
Theory: British Object Relations
2nd Trimester
1st year
Process: Continuation of Opening Phase
Theory: Development of Psychoanalytic Thought and Theory
3rd year
HD: Child Development II (Ages 6-12)
Theory: Self Psychology
3rd Trimester
1st year
Psychopathology I: Neurotic
Process: Ethics
Process: Diversity
3rd year
HD: Adolescence (Ages 13-20)
Theory: Intersubjective & Relational Psychoanalytic Theories
1st Trimester
4th year
Human Development: Aging
Psychopathology III: Psychotic States
Gender and Sexuality
2nd year
Human Development: Infant Observation (3 Trimesters)
Theory: Modern Structural Theory (Post-Freudian Ego Psychology) and American Object Relations
2nd Trimester
4th year
The Psychoanalytic Study of Dreams
How did I Get Here? Evolving Analytic Identity
2nd year
Process: Middle Phase
3rd Trimester
4th year
Process: Late Middle Phase and Termination
Elective: Field Theory and Development of the Self of the Analyst
2nd year
Psychopathology II: Borderline States
1st Trimester
3rd year
British Object Relations
Human Development: Child Development I (Birth to Age 5)
1st year
Starting Psychoanalysis: Opening Phase
The Origins of Psychoanalysis and Freud’s Legacy, Including Evolving Ethics of Psychoanalysis
Introduction to Psychoanalytic Listening
2nd Trimester
3rd year
Theory: Self Psychology
Development II: 6 to 12 years
1st year
Development of Psychoanalytic Thought and Theory
Process: Continuation of Opening Phase to Early Middle Phase (with Introduction to Psychoanalytic Writing)
3rd Trimester
3rd year
Development III: Adolescence
The Relational Psychoanalytic Orientation
1st year
Psychopathology I: Neurotic-Level Personality and Symptom Disorders
Intersectionality, Social Context and the Co-Creation of Clinical Experience
Mixed Cohorts
Case Conference I
Case Conference II
Case Conference III
Case Conference IV
1st Trimester
2nd year
Human Development: Child Development I (Birth to Age 5)
Ego Psychology
4th year
Psychopathology III: Psychotic States
The Psychoanalytic Study of Dreams
Mixed Cohorts
Case Conference I
Case Conference II
Case Conference III
Case Conference IV
2nd Trimester
4th year
Human Development: Aging
Elective: Self-Disclosure in Relational Psychoanalysis
Elective: A Comparative Look at Understanding and Working with Aggression in Psychoanalysis
Genders and Sexualities
Elective: D.W. Winnicott
Becoming Psychoanalysts: The Development of a Psychoanalytic Identity
Mixed Cohorts
Case Conference I
Case Conference II
Case Conference III
2nd year
Development II: 6-12 Years
Middle Phase
3rd Trimester
4th year
Late Middle Phase to Termination
2nd year
HD: Adolescence
Psychopathology II: Borderline States
Mixed Cohorts
Case Conference I
Case Conference II
Case Conference III
1st Trimester
1st year
Process I: Starting a Psychoanalysis; Opening Phase
The Origins of Psychoanalysis and Freud’s Legacy (Including Evolving Ethics of Psychoanalysis)Â
Introduction to Psychoanalytic Listening
Mixed Cohorts
Case Conference II
Case Conference III
3rd year
Loss, Mourning, Transformation
British Object Relations
2nd Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
Case Conference I
Case Conference II
Case Conference III
1st year
Process II: Early Analytic Process and Psychoanalytic Ethics
After Freud: Development of Psychoanalytic Thought and Theory
3rd year
Self Psychology
The Relational Psychoanalytic Orientation
3rd Trimester
3rd year
The Psychoanalytic Study of Dreams
Genders & Sexualities
Psychopathology III: Psychosis: Considerations for Diagnosis and Treatment in Psychoanalytic Practice
Mixed Cohorts
Case Conference I
Case Conference III
Case Conference II
Intro to Infant Observation
1st year
Psychopathology I: Neurotic-Level Character and Symptom Disorders
Intersectionality, Social Context, and the Co-Creation of Clinical Experience
1st Trimester
2nd year
Infant Observation I (1st Trimester)
Ego Psychology, Modern Structural Theory, American Object Relations
Mixed Cohorts
Case Conference I
Case Conference II
Psychoanalytic Dyadic Perspectives on Human Development: From Birth through The Second Year of Life
4th year
Elective: Character: A Revisiting
Infant Observation II (1st Trimester)
2nd Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
Case Conference I
Case Conference II
Case Conference III
Reading Freud II
2nd year
Infant Observation I (2nd Trimester)
Psychopathology II: Borderline States
4th year
Infant Observation II (2nd Trimester)
Elective — The Body in Psychoanalysis: Inside, Outside, and In-Between
Becoming Analysts: The Development of Psychoanalytic Identity
Reading Freud I
3rd Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
Case Conference I
Case Conference II
4th Year Independent Study
2nd year
Infant Observation I (3rd Trimester)
Infant Observation II (3rd Trimester)
The Middle Phase
4th year
Late Middle Phase/Termination
Fall Term
1st year
Groups and Identity I
The Origins of Psychoanalysis and Freud’s Legacy
Analytic Core Concepts I
Mixed Cohorts
Continuous Case Conference I (Fall Term)
Continuous Case Conference II (Fall Term)
3rd year
British Object Relations
Human Development 1 (Birth to Age 5) and Developmental Psychoanalysis
Mixed Cohorts
1st year
Psychoanalytic Theory of Groups
3rd year
Special Topics
Spring Term
Mixed Cohorts
Continuous Case Conference I (Spring Term)
Continuous Case Conference II (Spring Term)
Continuous Case Conference III (Spring Term)
1st year
Ego Psychology
Psychopathology I: Neurotic Psychopathology
3rd year
Psychopathology III: Severe Character Pathology and Psychotic-Level Syndromes
Self Psychology
Winter Term
Mixed Cohorts
Continuous Case Conference I (Winter Term)
Continuous Case Conference II (Winter Term)
Continuous Case Conference III (Winter Term)
1st year
Beginning Analysis
History of Psychoanalysis
3rd year
Human Development II: Middle Childhood to Early Adulthood
Theory and Process of Dreams
Child Psychoanalytic Training Program
1st Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
1st Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
Clinical Issues in the Treatment of Adolescents
1st Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
Introduction To Child Analysis
1st Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
Pre-latency: Development and Treatment
2nd Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
Pre-latency: Clinical Applications
3rd Trimester
4th year
Elective: Application of Modern Psychoanalytic Theory with Children
1st Trimester
1st year
Foundations of Child Psychoanalysis
2nd Trimester
1st year
Foundations of Child Psychoanalysis – Clinical Applications
1st Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
Psychoanalytic Treatment in Early Childhood (aka Pre-Latency)
2nd Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
Clinical Applications in Child Psychoanalysis
Winter Term
Mixed Cohorts
Child Psychoanalytic Training Seminar
1st Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
Theory and Practice of Psychoanalysis in Middle Childhood (6-12 years)
2nd Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
Theory and Practice of Psychoanalysis in Middle Childhood 2
Theory and Practice of Psychoanalysis in Middle Childhood 3
3rd Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
Play in Middle Childhood
Continuous Case Conference
1st Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
2nd Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
Clinical Applications in Work with Adolescents
3rd Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
Continuous Case Conference: Adolescence
2-Year Certificate Program in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
1st Term
Identity and Groups I
The Origins of Psychoanalysis and Foundational Theory
2nd Term
Life Span Development I
Concepts of Analytic Process
3rd Term
Object Relations
Case Conference: Imagining the Patient
4th Term
Life Span Development II
Case Conference: Meaning-Making
1st Term
Self Psychology & Intersubjective Systems Theory
2nd Term
Introduction to Relational and Interpersonal Psychoanalysis
Case Conference: Dreaming
3rd Term
Case Conference: Embodying
4th Term
Mourning, Loss, and Grief
Identity and Groups II
1st Term
Groups and Identity I (Cohort 2)
The Origins of Psychoanalysis and Foundational Theory (Cohort 2)
Groups and Identity I (Cohort 1)
The Origins of Psychoanalysis and Foundational Theory (Cohort 1)
2nd Term
Life Span Development I
Concepts of Analytic Process
3rd Term
Case Conference: Imagining
Group Process
4th Term
Object Relations
Case Conference: Meaning-Making
Continuing Education
1st Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
Enhancing Our Individual and Group Life
1st Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
Speaking About Race II
1st Trimester
Mixed Cohorts
Faculty Development Sessions
integrated Child & Adult Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program
1st Block
Mixed Cohorts
Infancy and Attachment: Towards an Understanding of our Earliest Ways of Knowing
What Makes Therapy Psychoanalytic?
2nd Block
Mixed Cohorts
Pre-Oedipal and Oedipal Development
An Introduction to Object Relations Theory
3rd Block
Mixed Cohorts
Self Psychology
Development: Latency (The Middle Years)
4th Block
Mixed Cohorts
Adolescent Development
Relational Psychoanalysis
1st Block
Mixed Cohorts
Starting Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Ethics in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
2nd Block
Mixed Cohorts
Deepening the Treatment: Transference, Countertransference and Enactments
Psychoanalytic Engagement and the Dynamic Structure of the Central Nervous System
3rd Block
Mixed Cohorts
iCAPP Case Conference
Borderline and Narcissistic Conditions
4th Block
Mixed Cohorts
Loss, Mourning, and Termination
Adult Development
Adult Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program
1st Block
Mixed Cohorts
Deepening the Treatment: Transference, Countertransference and Enactments
1st Block
Mixed Cohorts
Overview of Psychoanalytic History and Theory
What Makes Therapy Psychoanalytic?
2nd Block
Mixed Cohorts
Object Relations Theory
Infancy, Attachment, and Primitive Processes
3rd Block
Mixed Cohorts
Pre-Oedipal and Oedipal Development
Self Psychology
4th Block
Mixed Cohorts
Adolescent Development
Relational Theory
1st Block
Mixed Cohorts
Narcissistic & Borderline Conditions
Theory: Diversity and Intersectionality of Identity
2nd Block
Mixed Cohorts
Theory: Topics in Gender and Sexuality
Dreams to Dreaming: A Psychoanalytic Approach
3rd Block
Mixed Cohorts
Deepening the Treatment: Transference, Countertransference and Enactments
4th Block
Mixed Cohorts
Adult Development